On your own.

As soon as I clicked to apply for the end of semester B module Solo Performance, I felt an array of mixed emotions. How could I do a performance by myself? What material could I use? Will I be too nervous and let stage fright take over? Am I interesting enough? Feelings of nervousness and apprehension made me begin to doubt myself and my abilities, however the curiosity and excitement of a challenge were too empowering to dismiss. I realised I chose Solo Performance because deep down I wanted to get up on the stage and showcase what I could really do. I know I am confident and have the ability to approach this module with an open mind so  I wanted to give myself a voice..

Not having to rely solely on group work enticed me, yet the thought of producing, rehearsing and performing material significant to myself was a scary thought. I had no one else to rely on but me. I felt like an open book, ready to start my first chapter!

So what is Solo Performance? After thorough discussions with fellow students, it became clear that the term was difficult to define. Its ambiguous and indefinable category prompted meaningful conversations into what constitutes a good Solo Performance?

“The best thing about the term ‘performance art’ is that it’s so ambiguous; it includes just about everything you might want to do” (Bonney 1999, xii). For me Solo Performance is a performance of self. One individual taking to the stage and conveying what THEY want. A seemingly confessional performance produced by THEM in which the audience can become involved due to the performers discretion. Not purely for entertainment purposes, it’s goal in provoking thought and stimulating an intimacy with the spectators distinguishes itself from ‘traditional’ theatre.

Difficulty in defining what is and what makes Solo Performances intrigues me and by studying Stand-Up, dance pieces and autobiographical material, I would like to test the boundaries and ask the questions ‘what is art, what is a solo performance, what is theatre?’ 

The discussions in my first class questioned, at what point do the audience become the actor and visa versa? In the research undertaken, I have noticed that every performer reacts to their audience in a different way, “but all, in presenting their personal observations, convictions and fears, [they] share an intimacy with their audience, built purely from their live presence and their words” (Bonney 1999, p.xii). 

The appreciation of this art form should be dissected, discussed and interpreted personally for each individual, therefore I am looking forward to involving myself and creating potential performance ideas.



Bonney, Jo (1999) ‘Preface’ in Jo Bonney (ed) Extreme Exposure: An Anthology of Solo Performance Texts in the Twentieth Century, New York: Theatre