Telling a story.

Below is the first draft of my script. It is only basic and contains initial ideas, some of which I will keep and others I will progress and make stronger/cut out.


Audience are waiting for performance to start on the bridge.

I run from the LPAC towards the audience holding 24 balloons.

This is about letting go. These are my balloons and I am leaving some things behind.

If you let it, life can become full of regrets, heartbreak, pain, hurt. You feel like you’re screaming in silence and no one can hear you, you can’t even hear yourself. You start to observe life differently, first the positives but after a while, you seem to focus on the negatives. You distance yourself from the ones you love, you distance yourself from the ones that love you. You start to distance yourself from … you.

Let a balloon go.

You start to analyse EVERYTHING, question everything. Who are you? Where have you come from? What have you done to make this world a better place? What has made you who you are today? Who has made you who you are today? OI YOU, LPAC! WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE. WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK ARE TO TELL ME WHAT I CAN AND CAN’T DO. YOU BUILD UP CONFIDENCE AND SHOW PEOPLE THEIR POTENTIAL BUT TAKE IT ALL AWAY IN A SECOND. Essays, essays, feedback, performances, dissertations, blogs, essay, performances, feedback, blogs, dissertation, essays. I CAN’T DO IT ANYMORE! YOU’VE NEVER MEANT ANYTHING TO ME, YOU NEVER HAVE AND YOU NEVER WILL … this time next though you won’t have to miss me, but I guess I’ll miss you.

All I wanted was that bra, 32E, maybe a DD. Any colour, just that one bra.

Give someone some of my balloons, give someone else just 1.

I make my way over to the right hand side of the bridge where I grab my flower and scissors.

Life is not about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself (cutting flower & sprinkling the petals in)

Grab my needle and pop a balloon in someone’s face.


Life if not about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain (cutting flower & sprinkling the petals in)

Grab my needle and pop another balloon in that persons face.

Fucking bollocks!

Take just 2 balloons with me and walk over to the edge of the fence, climb under and sit above the water with legs dangling down. Let just one balloon go, silently. Nothing to say but everything to feel.

Solitary confinement is best when you feel like this, you don’t want to talk to anyone. You can’t talk to anyone. You don’t want to become a burden, making people worry. You don’t want the attention, but in a way you do.

Live every day as if it’s your last (word play with the quote) tell that to the people I have lost. Say it to all the people who have passed away and left me. SAY IT WHEN EVERYONE AROUND YOU IS FUCKING DEAD! Everyone is fucking dead.

Silence – estimated around 15-25 seconds

She was on the phone to me, crying.. ‘if he dies, it’s all your fault. It’ll be because of you!’ I could hear the pain, she just sat there on the end plucking at her wrists, folding the flesh over and cutting her veins. I was in Debenhams, bra shopping. All I wanted as a bra.. I’m definitely an E, no way a DD. Just a plain black one would be nice. I don’t need this on the other end of the phone. She was just crying..

When life gives you 100 reasons to cry, you show life 1000 reasons to smile (face changes)

Leaving,. Leaving. Leaving. Leaving uni, leaving the earth, leaving you. You’re leaving me.

I hold my one balloon and cuddle it for a while, I then cuddle it too hard and it pops, I show deep emotion and lay down on the wall. I turn it over in my fingers and eventually drop it into the water. I am happy with letting that balloon go, I am relieved more than anything. An audible exhale of breath will be heard.

I get up and join the rest of my audience. I collect all of my balloons bar the one left with one person. Maybe say to them, to hold it tight & don’t let it go.

When life gives you lemons, drink tequila! Drink it, shot it, down it. Grab a bottle, drink it with your friends and have the time of your life. Drink copious amounts of it! Find yourself in Superbull (ad lib and talk in a stream of conscious about Superbull experiences) You find yourself stuck, stuck in a moment when you don’t care what you did before and you aren’t worried about what you’re going to do after. You exist only in this moment and this moment is beautiful. There’s been times in my like when I have been in that moment. Nothing more, nothing less. Let balloon go.

Drag my hand across the bridge that should be (weather permitting) covered with life quotes.

I guess people rely on different things to help them get through. Some people refer to life quotes, but do they help? NO.She’s cutting herself, blood is everywhere and there’s nothing I can do. I just want my bra, why won’t anything fit?

You give someone all of your balloons and tug them up and down.

You feel the stress of life, weighing you down but you can see it, you can see in the distance that your goal will be achieved. Can you see it, in the distance? Just where the cathedral is. 5th September, you will be in that moment where you don’t care what you did before and couldn’t give a shit what you do after! When I’m down, singing helps to cheer me up. It gives you freedom and freedom is nothing but a chance to happy.

Here we sing 5ive – Keep on Movin’ (it is a happy 90’s song that brings back memories for all 90’s kids and as I give out song sheets with the lyrics on, my audience will sing)

Little girls with little heart, little smiles with little cheeks. Everywhere we go we become attached. Attached to the places we visit and the people we meet. I become attached to everything, does this restrict me from growing up? When will I know if I’ve grown up? How will I know when I’m ready and I have matured, when I find this bra, when the bra fits?






Let all the balloons go, happy, energised, cleansed. Walk towards the person who has been holding that lone balloon for a the whole performance. Take it off them..

Thank-you for holding onto this balloon. Thank-you for trusting in yourself to not let it go, this balloon is me, it contains who I am now, all my worries, my fears, but my hopes and aspirations. Thank-you for showing me I can let everything go but still have myself. Walk with me.

Walk my audience to the LPAC doors and let them in, I close the door after them.. attach my last balloon onto the door. Turn around and get out my last bit of paper, press it against the door and then walk off.

I believe that this is a strong narrative and even though I have referred to myself, drawn experiences from my own personal life and spoken in first person, I want everyone to feel something about themselves, what they could let go of and their experiences of growing up etc..Using the ‘hot seating’ technique, I feel I hit real and raw emotion and now feel this is portrayed in my script and hopefully performance. As Tim Miller comments “I don’t really think of it as performance art. I tell three or four stories and try to link them with some kind of metaphorical glue, as I said, and then share that with people” (cited in Gentile 2003, p.281)


Gentile, John. S (2003) ‘A TPQ Interview: Tim Miller on Autobiographical Storytelling’ in Text & Performance Quarterly,Vol 23 (3) pp:271-187.2

One thought on “Telling a story.

  1. This text was performed with incredible timing, the pauses between lines were perfect and added an unexpected humour to the performance. Very thought provoking.

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