Apologies for not blogging in a while, things have been a little turbulent on the Solo Performance front. After going back to the drawing board, it became very difficult to search for new ideas. I wanted to take my work towards non-autobiographical material but was otherwise advised to stay with myself, my thoughts and my experiences. I therefore felt it necessary to look for things that attracted me rather than waiting for something to happen. I mean I already have my past life experiences but I needed a concrete stage for conveying them.
I started to look at videos and images that I may feel a connection too. I wanted to take my performance from stimulus material, use that as an influence and perform in my own way. I came across the English artist Banksy and started to look at his politically driven graffiti sprawled across the streets of Bristol. His work intrigued me as his images created a subtext, a truth and a striking image all in one picture. Banksy has dealt with an array of political and social issues including anti-war, anti-capitalism, poverty, alienation, hypocrisy and despair. These images fascinated me and although not a Solo Performance in itself, this art would stem from something he felt passionate about.
The one picture that stood out most for me was one of a young girl, dressed head to toe in black and white reaching out/letting go of a red balloon. I felt a connection to this young girl and wanted to explore why.. I took the picture along with me to class and asked my fellow students what they thought when confronted with it. I got mixed reactions but all felt connected in some way. Some said that the image was metaphorical for loss whilst others said it was for gain. I decided to draw upon my own conclusions and use this as a stimulus for my performance.
My perception of this image was of a small timid girl in a world of confusion losing something that was dear to her. This struck me in my personal life as I have experienced loss of a huge amount. From family members to love, to losing myself and losing what I felt was right. This little girl had lost her balloon and I felt like she would do everything in her power to get it back. However I also felt a strong sense of freedom, contentment and happiness. She wasn’t losing her balloon, she let it go. She decided that she didn’t need it anymore and wanted someone else to experience what fun she had. Letting go was something I wanted to look at in my performances especially from an autobiographical perspective. I had gained something in my life that has made me who I am and ‘there is always hope’ stood out for me. No matter what way you would look at this image, to me happiness is there. Whether you let go of something or it flies away without you approval, it has happened and even though there is no way of getting it back.. there is always hope!
All images from Google Images. Online:https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&q=banksy+art&biw=1366&bih=624&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=-WR-UYH_KcST0AWA8YDQAg#imgrc=_ (accessed: 29th April 2013).